TGCinHerts 2022 Launched! 


Herts Sports Partnership are proud to launch the 'TGCinHerts 2022' campaign on International Women's Day 2022.

2022 proves to be an important year for women's sport on both a national and global level, with events such as the UEFA Women's Euro Competition and Rugby World Cup in the women's sport calendar.

The TGCinHerts Campaign will look to raise awareness of women's sport and will be delivering a localised activation of the national This Girl Can campaign from Sport England.

There will be a large number of opportunities throughout the year. From monthly topical webinars featuring guest speakers, to Community Festivals.

Check out the HSP ladies getting active in our video. We'd love to see your own versions across the year. Send them in to us here or share them on social media tagging us in them! 


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